Help is often needed for the worship hours. Please offer your assistance by signing up on a regular basis. Parents, grandparents, responsible teens and adults are welcomed. Each volunteer will need to complete and sign a Safe Sanctuaries Participation Covenant Statement.
Diaper Bags
A must for children not yet toilet trained. Please include diapers, wipes, changing pad or blanket, a change of clothes, and an ID tag to whom it belongs. If currently toilet training or recently toilet trained, please notify the classroom’s caregiver.
Are provided by the church. All cups should be marked with the child’s name. If allergies exist, please indicate this EACH week on the sign in sheet as our volunteer helpers can change from week to week.
Occasionally the playground will be utilized. If you do not want your child outside, please inform the classroom attendant.
Age Placement
If you are considering moving your child from one room to the next due to change in age, please discuss your concerns with one of the coordinators. They know each room and the best placement for all children.
Staying in Touch
Leave your cell phone number and we'll page you with any concerns regarding your children. We want you to comfortable with the security of your child. Remember to put your phone on vibrate during the worship service.