

Music is highly valued at Aldersgate. We cherish our rich history of excellence and innovation in worship music and are constantly seeking new musical expressions that will engage our worshipers. Annual highlights include Christmas and Spring concerts involving most of our adult and youth musicians. There is a place for you to serve in the Music Ministry of Aldersgate! For additional information or to become involved with these programs, contact the church office at 302-478-2575 or Anastasiia Sidorova, Director of Music.

Arts at Aldersgate

Our Arts at Aldersgate series regularly presents musical programs for our community’s cultural benefit and spiritual growth. Watch this page for upcoming program announcements!

Journey Band

Our Journey Band leads the 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship Experience in musical worship each week. The band consists of guitars, drums, bass, keyboards, percussion, other instrumentalists and multiple vocalists. Membership in the band is available by audition with Anastasiia Sidorova, Director of Music.

Journey Band

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir has a long history of service in our Traditional Worship Experiences. Anyone may join the choir, we only ask that you be committed to rehearsals and worship services. The choir occasionally sings for summer worship after a brief morning rehearsal. Along with singing, the choir nurtures fellowship and friendship.

Vocal Impact

(Grades 6-12)

Vocal Impact is our youth choir. We welcome singers from 6th to 12th grade, and appreciate all talent and experience – everyone is invited to join! We’re thrilled to have instrumentalists join as well. Vocal Impact sings during worship services throughout the year, including joining the Journey band for contemporary Journey services. Vocal Impact also sings for the Christmas and Spring Concerts, as well as Christmas Eve and Palm Sunday/Easter services. Please reach out to Diane Shea, director, for more information or to join us.

Junior Choir

(Grades 1-5)

The Junior Choir rehearses on Sunday mornings in the Music Center during the Message portion of The Journey (9:00) service, from approximately 9:15 – 9:45 a.m. The choir has the opportunity to sing during worship services as well as the Christmas Eve Family service and the Mother’s Day service. No experience is needed and all are welcome to participate. Please contact Jenn Davison and Cheryl Merritt, directors, for more information.

Cherub Choir

(Ages 3/4 through Kindergarten)

The Cherub Choir is for 3-5 year olds and meets from 10:45 – 11:00 a.m. in the 3/4s Sunday School Room during Sunday School, where we engage them in singing, movement, instruments, and stories. The cherubs sing during worship services several times a year. Please contact Heather Burket, director, for further information.

Youth Musical

(Grades 2-12)

Since 2008, the Aldersgate Youth Players have presented an annual musical that has energized our youth, grown their confidence, and expanded the acting, dancing, and musical abilities of all involved. More importantly, we have created a nurturing and supportive community where youth, and the adults who volunteer, can make lifelong friends and continue to grow their faith. Past productions include Disney’s The Lion King, The Little Mermaid and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

Auditions are held in early December. Weekly rehearsals begin in January and are held on Sundays and some Saturdays with performances in early March.

For more information, or to get involved, contact Janet Atwater, Director.

Gateway Ringers

The Gateway Ringers are Aldersgate’s intergenerational Handbell Ensemble. Membership is open to anyone with at least some experience reading music, especially those with previous ringing experience. Middle School, High School and Adults participate with our multi-octave set of handbells and chimes. The Gateway Ringers typically play once a month during worship services as well as concerts and other special events.

Aldersgate Brass

The Aldersgate Brass is an instrumental group drawn from the Aldersgate community to contribute to the worship experience by accompanying the Chancel Choir or as a stand-alone brass ensemble. The Aldersgate Brass rehearses in the Music Center on Thursdays from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. New members are always welcome. Contact Bert Diemer for more information.