
Contemporary: Join us every Sunday at 9 a.m. for The Journey, a contemporary worship experience.
Traditional: Join us for our traditional worship service, starting at 11 a.m. every Sunday.
Watch or listen to our weekly services.
• View our weekly Worship Bulletin.

All Are Welcome

Aldersgate UMC opens its life to all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, social status, age, mental health, intellectual or physical ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation. We affirm our belief that God’s grace is available to all as we commit ourselves to be an inclusive Christ-centered community. As a reconciling congregation, we welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people as visitors and members. All are welcome in our community of faith, as we fulfill our purpose of making disciples for the transformation of the world.

Wear what you’re comfortable wearing and you’ll see everything from suits to shorts in most services.

For those with children, a nursery is provided every Sunday from about 30 minutes before the first service begins to about 30 minutes after the last worship service ends.


Holy Communion is an important part of our worship life. We celebrate Communion every First Sunday of the month and sometimes for special services, such as during the holy week before Easter. Everyone is welcome to participate in communion, both at our in-person worship and if you are attending online.

During worship, participants come forward to accept the elements (bread or wafers and grape juice) from the Pastor and communion servers. You can choose between two approaches: (1) accepting a pre-packaged elements set, which you will take back to your seat and partake upon the instructions of the pastor, or (2) taking a piece of the bread and dipping it into the cup of wine at the time you come forward for communion. Gluten-free elements are available; just ask the pastor for them when you go forward.

Participants are directed forward by the ushers, starting from the back of the sanctuary.

All participants are welcome to spend time at the communion rail to pray after taking communion, if they wish.

Those participating at home may pick up a Communion kit at the church prior to the service, or may supply their own elements to celebrate this observance.
Please contact us at 302-478-2575 for more information. All are welcome at the table!

Online Resources

Bible Online: The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online – all in the language or translation of your choice. It provides advanced searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and compare particular passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference. Visit biblegateway.com for more information.

Daily Devotional: View an online daily devotional.