member services

Aldersgate believes that caring begins with our own members and extends to the community around us. Ministers of Pastoral Care will come and visit members at home or in the hospital. Aldersgate will help you through times of difficult transitions in life.

New Members: Please fill out our Aldersgate United Methodist Church Membership Profile and send it via email to Susan Schranck prior to attending the class..



Cards are available in The Hub to send to members.

committees and teams


Coordinates receptions after funerals and memorial services for the families of those whose loved ones have died.



Individuals and couples can benefit from assembling their records in one place. If, or when, you need assistance with your financial affairs, the person(s) you identify will have accurate information. This information will also be a help to your survivor(s) in the event of your death. Download the Family Records (PDF) form. It is important to keep this information up to date!


This is a church-wide prayer list, identifying congregation members, plus their close friends and extended family members who need special prayers. All congregation members are asked to pray on a regular basis for those on the list. It is updated and distributed weekly via e-mail, and hard-copies are also made available on Sundays. Names remain on the list for four weeks, and you may shorten or extend that time by sending another e-mail. We only include names, no other personal information.

To have someone added to the list, send an e-mail to Please include the name of the person who needs prayers, plus a contact name and phone number. You may also call the church and asked to be added to the list.