spiritual resources

Where can you find online resources to deepen your faith?

Part of our task in the ongoing transition of our church is to help you get what you need for a deeper knowledge and experience of the life of faith. Can you connect with God and discover more about your spiritual path on the Internet? Just click on any or all of the links and find out!

online resources

Bible Online: The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading and researching scripture online – all in the language or translation of your choice. It provides advanced searching capabilities, which allow readers to find and compare particular passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference. Visit biblegateway.com for more information.

Daily Devotional: View an online daily devotional.

Independent Worship (Labyrinth)

This beautiful outdoor seven-circuit sacred path to prayer, meditation and healing is not only for the benefit of our congregation, but for everyone in the community. As we enter the labyrinth, we are invited to leave behind those things that separate us from God and keep us from living lives centered in the Holy. Walking the labyrinth is a way to pray with the whole body. You are invited to walk the labyrinth anytime…it will enrich your prayer life. The labyrinth is located on the north side of the church building near Rt. 202.

Aldersgate is A Caring Community

Aldersgate has been recognized as a Caring Community by the General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church, which means that as a congregation, we intentionally minister to persons with mental illness and their families.

As United Methodists, we are called to a ministry of health and wholeness — body, mind and spirit. Mental illness touches many families. And we know that healing and wholeness can be found in community. Aldersgate has made a covenant that states that we are a community where people with mental illness can find healing and wholeness— we are a Caring Community!

As members of the congregation we can let friends and family members living with mental illness, such as depression, know that they are welcome at Aldersgate and that there are resources here to assist and support them in a community of faith and healing. The Parish Nurse has helpful resources on mental health and serves as an advocate, a health counselor, and an educator.

Mental health professionals and clergy serving on the Caring Community Task force can welcome and help shepherd someone new to our congregation. Prayer Team members can pray specifically for individuals.

So keep all this in mind and help us live our covenant to be a Caring Community. Our church covenant and other information on our Caring Community ministry can be found on the table outside the parish nurse office.