ways to give


You can make a tax-deductible gift to Aldersgate online via VANCO. Full details are listed on our Donate page.

For more information, please email Kevin Botbyl or call 302-478-2575 ext. 114.

text giving

A simple and convenient way to make a contribution to Aldersgate at any time and from anywhere.

To begin using text giving, there is a one-time registration form online to set up your giving information. Please note that text giving has a new phone number (below), as of May 2018.


  • Send a text to 302-213-6168 with your contribution amount. 
  • You will receive a response with the link to the online registration form. 
  • Fill out the information on the registration form using a debit or credit card. 
  • Receive the confirmation "Your giving was successful". 
  • Your name will accompany your contribution to our Treasurer for your records. 

Please note, there is a fee of $0.49 plus 2.9% for each transaction, or $1.06 per $20 given through this service. You may consider adding this fee to your contribution to offset the fee to Aldersgate.

stock donations

If you wish to donate stock to Aldersgate, please download and fill out the Stock Donation Form.


You can mail a check to:

  • Aldersgate United Methodist Church
  • 2313 Concord Pike
  • Wilmington, DE 19803